
Análisis Softonic

Cuaderno de presión arterial: registra y grafica automáticamente los cambios en la presión arterial

血圧ノート-血圧変化を記録自動でグラフ化- is a free iPhone app developed by Karadanote Inc. It falls under the category of Education & Reference, specifically in the subcategory of Medicine. This program allows users to easily record their blood pressure and automatically visualize the data in a graph. Users can also record the blood pressure of family members and other individuals. The app features a calendar view that displays when medication was taken.

The app offers an easy setup process where users can input their information and goals on the Default setting screen. Numerical records for blood pressure, weight, and body fat percentage can be easily registered through the calendar. These registered values are automatically reflected in the graph and report. The app provides two user-friendly graphs that allow users to track short-term and long-term changes in their values. This feature is particularly useful for hospital visits and managing changes over time.

血圧ノート-血圧変化を記録自動でグラフ化- also integrates with the Health app, allowing users to view their daily step count and average over the past 30 days. Additionally, the app provides knowledge and action methods for managing high blood pressure in the "Karadanote" section. This feature allows users to enhance their understanding of high blood pressure and make informed decisions regarding their health.

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